Distributions of Royalty Income

The Process

The Office of Commercialization (OC) collects and distributes income generated from the commercialization of WSU technologies. The distributions are made according to the Faculty Manual Section IV.G. Patent Policy and Section IV.H. Copyright Policy, as appropriate.

Distributions are made twice a year as follows:

  • For income received during the first half of the fiscal year (between July 01 and December 31 of the fiscal year), the distributions are made by or before the end of February of the same fiscal year.
  • For income received during the second half of the fiscal year (between January 01 and June 30 of the fiscal year), the distributions are made by or before the end of August of the following fiscal year.
Period Income ReceivedDistributions Made by
July  – DecemberEnd of February
January – JuneEnd of August

OC generates the amounts due to each unit/inventor and works with the WSU controller’s office within the WSU Finance and Administration which issues the checks or makes direct deposits into the appropriate accounts following the above timelines.

For detailed information on royalty distributions on varieties protected by PVP’s please see click here.

Deviations to the above process and/or timeline include exceptions such as pending inventorship and/or ownership disputes, inaccuracy of distributions made that need verification, lack of proper documentation required to enable distributions etc.


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