Call for Pre-Proposals

Seed Translational Research Projects (STRPs) for the NSF Accelerating Research Translation (ART) Program

Dear Colleagues:

To mobilize a system-wide initiative titled ‘WSU SMART Innovation (Sustainable Model to Accelerate Research Translation and drive inclusive Innovation), an interdisciplinary team, co-facilitated by the Office of Commercialization and the College of Arts and Sciences, is putting together a proposal submission for the NSF Accelerating Research Translation (ART) grant. Through this submission we will be requesting a total of $6 million over the 4-year grant period to implement the core mission of the NSF ART program, which is intended for Institutes of Higher Education (IHEs) to increase their ability to conduct and accelerate research translation activities with a clear focus on the resultant societal impact and economic benefits to their surrounding communities and regions. Once awarded, IHEs will be required to identify and fund at least two (2) active Seed Translational Research Projects (STRPs) selected from across the full spectrum of research disciplines supported within the lead institution.

We are inviting WSU faculty to submit proposals for STRPs, eligible for funding under this ART program. Prospective projects should focus on translating fundamental research into tangible benefits or impact within a short period (< 2 years).

Candidates for STRPs should involve innovations that have evolved from fundamental research with a clear underlying analytical and/or experimental proof of concept that has been completed with a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 4 or greater). There should be a clear application of research outcomes from NSF-supported areas, although it can also encompass work from other disciplines not listed in these research areas. Each STRP should have a justifiable path of achieving a prototype in an accelerated manner (< 2 years) that can be demonstrated in an environment relevant to the intended usage of the innovation. Eligible STRPs will be highly focused, with a clearly defined path for tangible deliverables, a timeline, and an exit strategy. Each STRP can request up to $200,000 per year (inclusive of direct and indirect costs) for a duration of a maximum of two years. If awarded, we anticipate funding a total of four STRPs over the life of the grant (two in years 1 and 2, and two in years 3 and 4).

If you would like to propose a translational project for possible inclusion as an STRP in WSU’s ART grant submission, please submit a short proposal via the online submission form below no later than COB on July 7, 2024.

Review of proposals submitted by the above deadline will be completed in 2-3 weeks and the two selected candidates will be informed by COB on August 9, 2024. Proposals will be reviewed by an expert panel of WSU faculty members with prior demonstrated experience in research translation and commercialization.

Selected STRP’s will be required to submit annual progress and performance milestone reports. Based on these reports, decisions will be made regarding additional funding beyond the first year.

Note: Please keep the following criteria and guidelines in mind when completing the online submission form below. A word document template is also provided for you to download.


  • Provide details on how customer/user identification, user-centered design, development, validation, and testing of prototypes for specific potential customers/users will be performed.
  • ART funding cannot be used for the purchase or acquisition of major pieces of equipment or instrumentation but can be used to buy equipment up to $50K and/or gain access to such equipment or instrumentation that can be shown as necessary for the activities of an STRP.
  • ART funding cannot be used for clinical trials.
  • Total STRP budget requests must include both direct and indirect costs.

Additional details on the NSF ART grant along with helpful links to information for the pre-proposal submissions are provided below.

We look forward to receiving your pre-proposals in support of this worthy initiative.

Further questions please contact:

Rishi Sharma, Ph.D.

Director of Business Development
College of Arts and Sciences    

Rabindra Nanda, MBA

Senior Technology Licensing Associate
Office of Commercialization    

Scott Steiger, Ph.D.     

Interim Director for Technology Management & Entrepreneurship       
Office of Commercialization


STRP Pre-Proposal Submission DEADLINE: 7thJuly 2024

NSF ART STRP Pre-Proposal Online Submission Form

We are inviting WSU faculty to submit proposals for Seed Translational Research Projects (STRPs), eligible for funding under this NSF Accelerating Research Translation (ART) program. Prospective projects should focus on translating fundamental research into tangible benefits or impact within a short period (within 2 years).

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